From A Disciples Heart

Salvation in Christianity is like a rescue mission. Imagine you’re drowning in a deep ocean, and there’s no way you can save yourself. Jesus is like the lifeguard who jumps in to save you.

Key Points:

  1. Sin: Everyone does wrong things (sins) that separate us from God, like a big wall.
  2. Jesus’ Sacrifice: Jesus, God’s Son, came to Earth, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross. He took the punishment for our sins.
  3. Resurrection: Jesus didn’t stay dead. He rose from the dead, proving He has power over sin and death.
  4. Faith: To be saved, you need to believe (have faith) in Jesus—trusting that His death and resurrection save you from your sins.
  5. New Life: When you accept Jesus, you start a new life with Him. It’s like getting a fresh start, where God helps you grow and live better.

Visual Example:

Think of it like this: You’re in a burning building (sin). Jesus is the firefighter who risks everything to pull you out (His sacrifice). Once you’re safe, He doesn’t leave you alone. He helps you heal and teaches you how to live in a way that avoids the fire next time (new life).

The Sinners Prayer

Would you like to be saved? If so here is your chance.
Dear God,

I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust Him as my Savior and want to follow Him as Lord from this day forward.

Guide my life and help me to do Your will. Thank You for Your grace and salvation.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you said this prayer you are saved. Welcome to the Kingdom of God. We would love to hear from you about this awesome choice.

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Salvation in Christianity is like a rescue mission. Imagine you’re drowning in a deep ocean, and there’s no way you can save yourself. Jesus is like the lifeguard who jumps in…
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