From A Disciples Heart
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Sermon On The Mount Review

Matthew chapters 5 through 7 comprise what is known as the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon is one of Jesus’ most famous teachings and covers a wide range of topics about how to live a life that is pleasing to God.

 Chapter 5

– Beatitudes (5:3-12): Jesus begins with the Beatitudes, a series of blessings on those who embody certain virtues, such as being poor in spirit, meek, merciful, and peacemakers.

– Salt and Light (5:13-16): Jesus calls his followers to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world,” meaning they should positively influence those around them.

– Fulfillment of the Law (5:17-20): Jesus clarifies that He has not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.

– Higher Standards (5:21-48): Jesus reinterprets several commandments, including those about anger, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, and loving enemies, urging a deeper, heart-level obedience.

 Chapter 6

– Giving to the Needy (6:1-4): Jesus teaches about giving in secret rather than seeking public recognition.

– Prayer (6:5-15): He introduces the Lord’s Prayer as a model for how to pray sincerely and simply.

– Fasting (6:16-18): Jesus advises fasting in a way that is not for show.

– Treasures in Heaven (6:19-24): Jesus talks about the importance of storing treasures in heaven rather than on earth, emphasizing that you cannot serve both God and money.

– Do Not Worry (6:25-34): Jesus encourages trust in God’s provision, urging his followers not to worry about their needs but to seek God’s kingdom first.

 Chapter 7

– Judging Others (7:1-6): Jesus warns against hypocritical judgment and teaches about seeing clearly to help others.

– Ask, Seek, Knock (7:7-12): He promises that those who ask, seek, and knock will receive, find, and have doors opened for them, summarizing with the Golden Rule.

– Narrow and Wide Gates (7:13-14): Jesus talks about the narrow gate leading to life and the wide gate leading to destruction.

– True and False Prophets (7:15-20): Jesus warns about false prophets and teaches that true followers will be known by their fruits.

– True and False Disciples (7:21-23): Jesus states that not everyone who calls Him “Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the Father’s will.

– Wise and Foolish Builders (7:24-27): He concludes with a parable contrasting those who hear His words and act on them with those who do not, likening them to wise and foolish builders.

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Man using smartphone while standing in wheat field at sunset

Sermon On The Mount Review

Sermon On The Mount Review Matthew chapters 5 through 7 comprise what is known as the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon is one of Jesus’ most famous teachings and…
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Salt and Light

Kingdom Mentality – “The Influence of a Kingdom Servant” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shared profound insights into the Kingdom of God, providing a blueprint for how His…
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